12:28 AM

Vietnamese government announced Wednesday the 72 decree to ban users to talk about news on blogs and social networks. Only use authorized by the text: “. Provide or exchange personal information” According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemned the attack against the fundamental freedoms, the new decree shall enter into force in September and “reinforces the legal arsenal available to the government, which will not need to invoke a attempt to overthrow the government or propaganda against the State to charge independent actors of information. “

” S it should come into force, the Vietnamese would permanently deprived of independent and critical information that normally circulate in blogs and forums, “laments the NGO. “The announcement of this decree is neither more nor less than the offensive against the freedom of information the most brutal since the signing by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung of the decree on penalties applicable to media in 2011, “says RSF. The previous attack against the freedom forbade journalists to publish “information on national and international news not be honest or in accordance with the interests of the country and the people “under penalty of a fine.


Prism difficult to protest

“We call on the entire international community to condemn severely if Vietnam were to establish Decree 72 and to consider the establishment of economic sanctions, including the tourism sector, which the government pays a lot of attention, “the statement claimed. But the international community would have little credibility to denounce these abuses, after the great Western democracies were caught by hand in the bag with systems of surveillance of citizens, such as Prism in the United States.

Vietnam, 172th of 179 in 2013 world ranking of press freedom, censorship fully assumes this to come, while maintaining his candidacy – well underway – to serve on the Human Rights Council of the UN Human in 2014. This is the Web
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