the Federal Cabinet “ progress report [1]” decided on the initiative of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) “to better protect the privacy” on Wednesday a first. Thus, the proposed framework in this “Round Table on IT security” is the first time under the guidance of IT representatives of the Federal Government, Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, on 9 To be days of September in Berlin, and merge representatives from politics, associations, countries, science and IT and user organizations.
discussed taking into account the expertise of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), mainly through the increased use of security products “trustworthy manufacturer”. From the results of the inaugural event, the cabinet “important impetus for the coming election period” is expected. They should also be introduced in the National Cyber Security. Merkel had a mid-July to the revelations [2] on the U.S. intelligence monitoring program PRISM and its British offshoot tenses with “ eight-point program [3] ” reacts and Privacy Policy. On German soil, they had to abide by German law, is the core requirement of the Christian Democrat. The Chancellor added that with data monitoring not all technical options should be used. The federal government can now enroll in the first enforcement areas. In early August, two agreements with the U.S. and Great Britain on interception of communications in the Federal Republic were canceled [4] Service. Also been brought into the conversation, Federal Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) at EU level a reporting requirement [5] for businesses when passing data of European citizens to security authorities in third countries. T! he proposed new EU data protection regulation have so far been noticed in the parts of the federal government rather than brakeman, should therefore be supplemented by this point. A similar article was originally intended, according to which the transfer of personal information would have been allowed to intelligence only under very strict rules was deleted according to EU diplomats to pressure from the U.S. and the internet lobby in advance of the draft [6] Service.Still available from the work on a by Federal Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (FDP) brought into play additional protocol [7] to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights the United Nations to internationally to strengthen the privacy and pretend secret new standards for their activities.
The progress report states on possible legal changes that the German Telecommunications Act (TKG) can not access foreign security forces imposed on this country connection -, location or allow data communication. If you need this information relevant, they would have under a letter of request addressed to the German authorities. This could then possibly directions to the operator. A direct issue was against “criminal and punishable by a fine.” The business section is to examine the relevant provisions in the Telecommunications Act “in light of recent developments” again closer despite the actual clear guidelines. Parallel to the Federal Network Agency was issued the instruction to explore together with the need to adapt the BSI Catalogue of safety requirements. Currently, however, there was no evidence of violations of providers. <- AUTHOR MARKER DATA BEGIN -> ( Stefan Krempl ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> ( jk [8] )