(Martin Kunze / IBA Hamburg, Fraunhofer HHI)
first time Architects have built a multi-storey municipal building, which consists almost entirely of the renewable resource.
The William Castle district is not the best address in Hamburg. But at least for energy saving architects be built, they could develop into one of the first addresses. For in William Castle is an extremely efficient house that does not shine on the centimeter-thick polystyrene wrapping, plastic sheets on brickwork and biocides recently. The heated debate on sealed houses and a lot of chemicals in construction could come to an end here. This is made possible ironically one of the oldest building materials of mankind: wood. The Woodcube said construction is ready for this summer. It consumes 22 percent less energy than the KfW Efficiency Standard 40, the most ambitious category for state-funded buildings. . Them with the power consumption must not exceed 40 kilowatt hours per square meter
The 15-meter-high wooden cube has five floors, offers 900 square meters of living space – making it the most massive wooden buildings in the world. Although other similar buildings such as the LCT One in Dornbirn, Austria protrude far higher (see TR 2/2013, p 42). However, they are of wood share is only about 40 percent because about the floors have a concrete core. Woodcube on the other hand, is fully 90 per cent. With him only stairwell and elevator shaft are concrete reasons of fire safety. In order to preserve the naturalness of the material has the Bauinvestor and developer of the project, Matthias Korff, also waived paints and glue. The outer shell is weather resistant larch wood, which turned gray with time though, but does not require painting. Entirely on high Korff has not yet waived: The elevator example, has a system for the recovery of braking energy. In addition, the apartments have an intelligent power management. So goes the whole house down or even electronics switched off completely when no one is in the apartments.
However, the solid wood construction provides not only energy-efficient housing. His erection is quite environmentally friendly. This is the conclusion that at least ina planning company, a spin-off of the Technical University of Darmstadt in the field of architecture and energy efficient building. They moved into their analysis the production of all materials involved in the construction, the construction process, the use phase, and the decommissioning including recycling one – and the Woodcube certified CO2-neutral overall balance. During the use phase, while carbon dioxide is released. Jonathan Holler trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, and tie it in the woods in any case has to be convinced: but the construction material, so at least the calculation of the ina-experts, this fact makes up for it.. He is one of the first inhabitants of the Woodcube, liked it, especially the indoor climate. The web designer is allergic and! asthmatic and has “get headaches when visiting other buildings after 15 minutes.” In his current apartment, however, “I see nothing, no sneezing, no allergic reaction.” Only the phone reception was bad, but somehow like him soThe indoor climate in a massive timber moves in an ideal area for people between 35 and 55 percent relative humidity. For solid wood absorbs excess humidity, stores them and they are either back to back or air dissipates it outside. A pleasant feeling is the result. “It automatically pulls shoes and socks and enjoying the special sense of space,” says Holler neighbor Ursula Steiner, professor of palliative care.
This experience massive multi-storey wooden houses their breakthrough, but their price must fall significantly. While William Castle is located in the square meter price of new condominiums 2800-3500 euro, the buyer had to pay 4500 euros in Woodcube proud. Part of the cost is due to the fact that the Woodcube a prototype, built as part of the International Building Exhibition IBA Hamburg. Accordingly, were the high research and development costs. Deep Green, the company, founded by project developers Korff wants to take the series production in attack, but now. Thus, the price is likely to fall. <- AUTHOR DATA MARKER BEGIN -> ( Marc Wilhelm Lennartz ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> ( bsc)<- AUTHOR DATA MARKER END ->
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This text is taken from the Technology Review magazine Issue 09/2013. The booklet can be ordered online here.