4:02 PM

Mozilla aims to socialize app shopping with Marketplace for Firefox OS (video)
Firefox OS has an uphill battle to impress consumers, and Mozilla is hoping that the social app store it's developing will be the thing that sets it apart. Marketplace designer Liu Liu took to Mozilla's blog to discuss the team's decision to focus on …
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Mozilla limits Firefox's Add-ons Manager search results to fully reviewed add-ons
You have three options when it comes to install extensions or add-ons in the Firefox web browser. You can head over to the official Mozilla website and search for add-ons there, use the built-in Add-ons Manager in Firefox to do the very same thing, or …
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Mozilla's Firefox OS Gives The Open Web Top Billing On Mobile
Mozilla was late to mobile and now it's trying to catch up. For a while now, the nonprofit has been releasing mobile versions of its Firefox browser for Android, but its most ambitious project to date is its Firefox OS mobile operating system for …
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Mozilla Brick: A Polyfill Library for Web Components
Web Components is a W3C specification that aims to enable Web developers to define widgets with a high level of visual richness and interactivity, together with ease of composition. Until proper browser support is here, developers can be using the …
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Mozilla Plug-N-Hack Integrates Browsers and Security Tools
The Mozilla security team is developing a new proposed standard that will make it easier for researchers to integrate some of their tools with Firefox and other browsers. The standard, known as Plug-n-Hack, is an open project that Mozilla hopes will be …
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Following Google's lead, Mozilla considers rejecting long-lived digital
Mozilla is considering the possibility of rejecting as invalid SSL certificates issued after July 1, 2012, with a validity period of more than 60 months. Google already made the decision to block such certificates in Chrome starting early next year …
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