8:07 PM

T-Mobile is suing AT&T over its use of 'magenta.' But what does 'magenta' mean
That's what T-Mobile is arguing, at least as far as telecom services go. In a new lawsuit against AT&T — or rather, an AT&T subsidiary called Aio Wireless, T-Mobile accuses Aio of using its traditional color, magenta, to brand new services and says …
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US Losing Ground In Mobile App Market
If mobile apps are the post-PC era's software industry, the U.S. may be losing its edge. According to new findings mobile analytics firm Flurry released this morning, the U.S. isn't leading in the creation of mobile applications, having slipped from 45 …
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A federal push for mobile privacy has failed, critics say
Lobbyists derailed an effort by U.S. President Barack Obama's administration to create mobile privacy standards, a privacy group charged on Thursday, while some participants in the process conceded it lacked focus. The U.S. National Telecommunications …
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Sourcebits Launches An Overhauled Chocolate Chip-UI, A Cross-Platform
Aiming to lessen cross-platform mobile development woes, Chocolate Chip-UI, an open source mobile framework incubated at Sourcebits, is being released today after being re-written from the ground up to support iOS 7, along with Android (Jelly Bean) and …
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