Since the revelations about Prism, you are convinced that the Obama administration spy all your private conversations? Brendan O’Connor, an American expert in computer security, proves that your neighbor might just as well, and much cheaper than the NSA, you watch. With a simple plastic box, a mini-computer the size of a credit card for 25 euros (the Raspberry Pi) and some wireless sensors for a total of $ 50, the researcher is able to monitor your wireless networks says the New York Times. With 10 boxes home, he decided to “self-spy”, and the result led him to describe his own system of “terrifying”. By placing a few boxes on his route in an avenue of downtown, he was able to capture all unencrypted information when transiting to connect to a public Wi-Fi network (which, as we recall, is not recommended ). He could then see his browsing history, or get his email address and a photo. Even without connecting the phone to any network, he could follow throughout its course to trace through regular and automated queries of its iPhone to Wi-Fi networks nearby. See also Why is it dangerous to connect to the public Wi-Fi networks “It’s very easy. Terribly easy actually. This can be used for just about anything, depending on the level of malice that you put in,” he says. He imagines how we can very easily and quietly spy on an ex or watch a demonstration. The boxes, which he calls the “creepyDOL” could indeed collect valuable data on the identity of participants in a group, with their smartphones or tablets. “If you are a person in a city, we will find you and we will do it for next to nothing,” says the researcher, pointing the necessary knowledge and technology are no longer the prerogative of intelligence, but accessible all In addition to their low price, the boxes are. small enough to be hidden under a table or a bench, or deposited by small remote drones. For legal reasons, the researcher has however been able to apply his experience as a personal level, since all monitoring of third parties would be contrary to Federal law. But, technically, nothing prevents anyone from doing so. To make matters worse, Brendan O’Connor offers on its website to sell small boxes ready. The worst? With a few basic safety tips on public networks, it does not “really” are effective means to protect themselves from this type of cookie for individuals, he says. Unless, of course, cut his phone, the tablet and laptop. See also How to prevent curious on a public Wi-Fi network
“terribly easy”
» Wi-Fi: a spy case "terrifying" for a few dollars