(Emmanuel Huybrechts / Wikipedia / cc-by-2.0)
In Cuba improves the network connection. But who wants to access Uncensored, must dig deep into your pocket.
Cuba is the country with the lowest Internet penetration in the Western Hemisphere. If anything, the people there have access to a kind of national intranet consisting of officially controlled, websites and services.
This spring, the situation began to change. Cuba was connected to two undersea fiber optic cable, and the state telecom company ETECSA opened 118 Internet cafes with open access to the World Wide Web. A sign of the digital revolution is not a long time. According to the “Berkman Center for Internet and Society,” Harvard University, private individuals must make it unlimited Internet access put into the house. In addition, the access costs onto the international network in the Internet cafes five dollars an hour. For the Cuban “intranet” only 70 cents will be charged. If Cubans wishing to use the free access, they also need to present their ID and sign a statement that they do not endanger the “public safety”. Cuba showing that it is possible to speed up the digitization, without also allow greater freedom. <- AUTHOR DATA MARKER BEGIN -> ( David Talbot ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> (bsc )<- AUTHOR DATA MARKER END ->