An electronics company has developed a method to help shops to deal with important people preferred.
The British Japanese technology provider NEC IT Solutions is working on image recognition method by which businesses can tell if a celebrity has entered the store. The company provides its method actually for security services and police forces her to track down criminals and terrorists. These are original images, so-called Facebook templates, compared with recordings from video cameras, which are for example in the door area.
As the London “Sunday Times” writes, such a database in addition to this template by celebrities also of particular contain valuable customers. A seller will be discreetly notified via computer, tablet or smartphone when a VIP enters the room. For example, the dress size and previously purchased products – at the same time, the preferences of the customers are shown on the display. Thus, an individual consultation will be. <- RSPEAK_STOP ->
NEC also offers biometric control systems for border crossings. Picture: NEC
The software of NEC IT Solutions will work properly even if the person to be recognized <- - RSPEAK_START> her face slightly veiled or wearing glasses. The same goes for facial hair or new hair color. Even aging, and weight changes are no problem, writes the “Sunday Times”.
Currently already run tests in about a dozen shops and hotels in the Far East, the UK and the USA. Where exactly betray neither the manufacturer nor the retail stores, among which are prominent even addresses to reside. A manager of NEC IT Solutions according to the report stated that the company data protection problems that are associated with the technique “tackle” did. Most regular customers were satisfied with the system because it is a promise faster service. <- RSPEAK_STOP ->
The NeoFace system detects faces in a crowd. Picture: NEC
Manolo Almagro, manager for the digital sector in the retail agency TPN Inc., told the U.S. radio station “NPR,” the technique of NEC IT Solutions is not new. If it were a further-developed version of what is known, for example from Google Image Search Google Images. There can be a template to find similar photos. However, Google Images is not explicitly allowed the recognition of faces. A similar feature was not initially implemented in the Google Privacy Glass Glasses Google because there were privacy concerns. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt had stressed in interviews that it was not applying certain techniques consciously, because they were too “creepy”. Almagro also thinks that facial recognition potentially “dangerous territory” is
In the UK it had last geheben a wider debate about privacy in stores -. Though not face recognition, but a different form of direct tracking of individuals. The start-up Renew London had wireless sensing devices placed in garbage pails, to identify users with smartphones on their network address (MAC). It can be initially find no name and other personal data, but tracking individual devices from sensor to sensor, because MACs are always unique. The more wireless detection devices are available, the more complete is the tracking
face and body are recorded separately, a marker indicates the successful recognition. Picture: NEC
use Renew London example was the production of statistics which devices of Apple Samsung to take Nokia users in the city with it. But also personalized advertising is possible. In stores installed, the wireless sensing unit can also inform the shop crew whether a particular customer is. Was about this before in a system equipped with the Nobel business, which could be a signal for a particularly lucrative visitors.
Renew London had his system, however, break down after protests. The City of London Corporation saw problems with the Privacy Policy. Renew London chief Kaveh Memari said they had stopped all attempts, but was defending itself against the ban on relevant Information Commissioner’s Office. <- AUTHOR MARKER DATA BEGIN -> ( Ben Swan ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> (bsc)<- RSPEAK_START -> <- AUTHOR DATA ! MARKER END ->
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