The robot s David can conjure oil paintings from camera images. And he has direct access to an easel.
Scientists at the University of Constance an Malautomaten called “e-David” built, the photographed images can transform into artistic paintings. The robot paints according to the instructions of a computer, which converts the photos using special algorithms in brush strokes and s-controls according to David.
The compact machine looks like its armed industry colleagues from around the vehicle production. Actually, it was once thought to weld car bodies, working on the canvas but just as practical. E-David has a basic treasure on a premixed palette with 24 colors and five brushes, alternatively just black and white images possible.The brush can automatically exchange of industrial robots in a few seconds and cleans them in operation continuously, so that no unwanted gradients are produced. The time algorithm is adaptive. Thus, the system observes the work with a camera constantly and analyze whether it makes sense to add more brush strokes, for example, if the colors are not correct or a part of the image is too bright
Also, e-portraits succeed David – from documents such as photos. image: University of Konstanz
“Pictorial craft processes can be interpreted as an optimization process in which manually paint on distributed an image area to the observer can recognize the image content, “explain the two project Oliver Deussen and Thomas Meier Linde to motivation from a scientific perspective. “The optimization is intuitive in the visual forms, is highly dependent on the interaction with the respective painting medium and subject to its restrictions.” And that can obviously also a robot.
colors are placed at e-David on a continuous optimization of the gradient brush after each desired style setting on the easel. “We extend existing optimization methods, and relate addition and semantic image information which we receive about current methods of semantic image analysis,” said Deussen and Linde Meier. “By mimicking existing painting techniques to represent objects of computer forms of representation learn for the various categories of objects in an image. ” This is to enable “to find better visual solutions, as was the case with previous methods.”The fact that e-paints David as its human model, can be also use it to use for the analysis of existing old master paintings. The robot allow it to perform brush strokes in exact chronological order, the researchers
say “How could through experiments on color mixing when stacked painting brush strokes are found in any temporal sequences has been painted.” It should therefore be possible, they say, “to investigate experimentally” painting styles of famous artists in relation to the timing of their color jobs. “This could even allow you to make a contribution to the elucidation of counterfeits.”
The works of art have been created entirely from see impressive – even if the painting robot itself no creative side has, as the researchers point out. But he could still produce new styles of painting, if it is programmed. Finally, new methods in the context of experimentation are quite possible, because David did not e-fatigued
“The results, which provides e-David, could influence what we consider art -., In addition to the imitation of existing character styles the machine and use a new technique, because the workload does not matter anymore, “the group writes to Deussen and Linde Meier. In other words, e-David might also wish to months at a time with a work spend when paint is refilled. His paintings signed by the way the machine like a real artist. <- AUTHOR MARKER DATA BEGIN -> ( Ben Swan ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> (bsc)