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I grew up with strong women, so I did not cry this whole feminism debate interesting. My experience has always been: The girls get that out of their own way, and aufzuzäumen them male workmanship, has only negative effects. But now I come across something that demands an outcry, and that in a low pitch, because we men should cry (or yell). It’s about the trade in used vehicles. Those who know, know that there is like fighting with no holds barred, what everything is okay, as long as the parties can meet with opportunities for everyone. But there are social parasites that systematically enrich themselves at weaker, preferably to women, because you can ever make in the sale ad or on the phone.

My friend sold her motorcycle. She is insulted on the phone, threatened (with optional display or home visit), laughed and total intimidated in a way, as it has never happened to me, as it is here probably never happens to men as it is to us probably did not happen. Because we are talking about an amount of 1,000 euros – a usual retail value for a used motorcycle that you can easily offer value in order to sell it quickly. So it’s not that anyone really wants to have a rare Bentley, for which he draws all dirty registers. No, a good Massenrübe used to be hawked at a low price. In this business, such a tactic is worth only worthwhile if it is categorically driven system. I will now perform all discussions with interested parties, and I’m sure that otherwise unchanged situation no more such intimidation will come, because they are said to be rather lazy parasites for his personal gain then unattractive. This decision was easy for me, because I now know the problem better than I like.

One of my exes made me riding a motorcycle, so she was also given to me as an expert when buying my first machine helped. I have never experienced so much contempt for the purchase of a vehicle – a contempt of their statements openly recognizable expert. Or my longtime roommate: She stayed one ! day with their focus lie. The towing service drivers they harassed in the workshop of his buddies who immediately attested a major engine damage – economic total loss. The workshop was talking to them, allow the Ford stand there, you give her a good price for the disposal of scrap. Eventually it came luckily her boyfriend spanish before. With four people, the car was towed to a good shop from the circle. The “potential engine damage” was quickly: a faulty ignition coil for 100 €

This is also in my opinion a possible solution. Geschlechtsgleichmachung not, in all suddenly everything can and will need to be interested in everything but statistically build on existing strengths of the opposite sex, they use. My mother, for example, is a strong woman. She calls women that ruin the reputation of her entire sex, contemptuously, “traitor”, and it is this kind of social ostracism, all men experience, who earn their money to bully the weak.

Let you so help girls, if you are selling a vehicle or it must be repaired. As I did to experts, if you are not interested automotive technology, of evil-looking pumpers when, despite (or because of) their own knowledge of high pressure on you. Do not be persuaded by gender Kasperln that you can own everything these days have to, just because you have breasts. In return, we come to you guy’s then when we need help in our own statistical weaknesses. You should calm men belittle that are not ready to a weaker person to help out a threat, because I do not care what these esoteric gender tracts konstatieren: Such behavior is not fitting for a man And for the parasite: You are Nestbeschmutzer . ., We despise you

