patron Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, said Wednesday she feared the prison for high treason if she refused to comply with the requests of U.S. intelligence services information about Yahoo! users. Ms. Mayer made the comments in the forum on new technologies TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco when she was asked what she planned to put in place to protect users of Yahoo! against this “tyrannical government.” According to her, Yahoo! reviews and resistant to inquiries from the U.S. government, but if the company loses these battles, it must comply or risk of being a traitor.
Inquiries authorized by Justice imposed on the company with a ban for those who receive them to talk and even to reveal. “If you do not cooperate, it is a betrayal,” said Ms. Mayer, saying it could not give more details on the demands of agencies against espionage for Yahoo! users. “We can not talk about it, because it is classified information,” she has said. “Revealing such information is the betrayal and you are incarcerated. Regarding the protection of our users, there is more sense to work within the system.”
American technology companies are under pressure after revelations about the U.S. surveillance program Prism, whereby the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has got to them thousands of digital data about users internet. Internet companies provide only disclose information in response to formal orders of courts, defending against complacency with the U.S. authorities. The latter insist that the surveillance is legal and helped thwart dozens of attacks.