The Omnicam360 the Heinrich Hertz Institute can make 360-degree live videos at very high resolution.
TV viewers get at football matches so far only goals and fouls from different perspectives, if they wait after the shot to repeat. And they must not define for themselves what they would like to see -. Makes the director of the radio station
A compact video camera 360 degree recordings records broadcast-quality, offers the possibility of change in perspective now for each scene – and with user access. If the system is positioned approximately on the sidelines at the halfway line, it shows the entire panorama, so a 360-degree view. Was developed by researchers at camera called Omnicam360 Christian Weissig at the Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) in Berlin
The viewer is, the researchers hope to be using the technique of “own cameraman “be on the PC, tablet computer, smartphone or even to modern televisions (” App-skills Smart TV “), the specific presentation of his virtual camera can freely choose – and in real time during the live broadcast. The television watchers may even turn virtually in a circle and enjoy a panoramic view of the field and the bleachers. From predetermined angles it is an actively adjustable program. Although at first because you have to get used to, but quickly wants the additional perspectives not want to miss, because they allow to go deeper into what is happening – it is – although purely virtual -. Personalized
Transmission is via the Internet, the control of the perspective is done via its own app. The maximum resolution that can be recorded with the images of the Omnicam360, is 10,000 by 2,000 pixels – so clearly about what Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) is possible
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The current version is portable. image: HHI
With just under 15 kilos is the OmniCam360 65 pounds lighter than a previous model and may therefore also be moved by Steadycam – but normally it sits on a tripod. The system is the size of a television camera. “By optimizing the structure we have been able to be able both to abandon the costly calibration and to reduce the size dramatically. Way, we could also save many times more weight,” says Weissig. The first version of the camera with her 80 kilos still have about one and a half square is space needed therefore been partially disruptive for the audience on the spot
Built into the unit are ten image sensors -. Quasi-ten mini cameras that record at the same time and disposed in a 360 degree angle. A special lens ensures that there is no optical distortion in the panoramic shot. “We have developed a system of mirrors, relocated the entrance pupil of the cameras in a common center,” says Weissig, Disturbing Parallaxenverzerrungen do not occur that way. In addition to covering the horizontal angle of 360 degrees is also a vertical of 60 degrees. This makes for a more realistic result
A look inside the camera. Image: HHI
Tested the OmniCam360
was already at concerts. Three cameras were placed both on stage and in the audience area so that even was possible to determine the position in space. The plan is to offer music lovers such special appearance recordings on its own app.
before the system must still show that it is also really suitable for television. It is provided under a current project to transmit a complete concert of the Berlin Philharmonic with the technology to Japan -. Cinema into a panorama The idea to produce video recordings with all-round perspective during playback can be adapted, is not new – so there is some different camera attachments for the iPhone that will allow this. Of course, the picture quality is nowhere near it at the approaching what achieve professional systems such as the Omnicam360. <- AUTHOR MARKER DATA BEGIN -> ( Ben Swan ) / (bsc)