logo, which symbolized in itself the first era Internet era: a logo “onomatopoeia”, modeled on calligraphy comics innocent and joyful, and with an enthusiastic exclamation point
” Yahoo I have found it! ” he seemed to say at the time. Found what? The result of his research on the Internet, such as Yahoo, web directory, was actually used as a search engine by many Internet users. Or discovered the recipe for audience monetization, so unattainable Grail at the time. Or, finally found a way to attract maximum visitors.
After 18 years of loyal service, it was time to change the logo. Not that the old-fashioned was, after all, he resumed the graphics of typo cartoonish “Hanna-Barbera” or advertisements of the 50s, and this side “modern retro” was intended. Say he probably needs a little grooming. The risk in the logo change is to send waltz that was the force of precedent, and that will create a “hype” for one or two years, which will then be very outdated.
The choice made by the design team seems sensible and reasonable: no graphic revolution, a simple weight loss program, and a fresh new logo, which also refuses the fashion of “flat design “(finished shadows, relief effects, etc …) that even the icons Apple iPhone died. Kathy Savitt, head of marketing, said that “we wanted a logo that stays true to our roots (purple, whimsical, with the exclamation point) and it can also discuss the evolution of our products.”
In student logo more closely, we realize that much thinner typo expresses the idea of synthesis, probably necessary given the wide range of services brand (Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo email, etc …) as if the logo was the common denominator between all entities. However, the legacy of the old logo, the letters are not all the same size: the last “O”, bigger than the one preceding it, expresses the idea of development, growth and expansion. Finally, the refusal of the flat-design, we have seen, seems to be a snub to fads.
To further muddy the waters (and also, probably, quietly testing the reactions of users ), the firm was amused to publish on its website a different logo every day. A total of 30 logos have been circulated for 30 days, until the revelation of the final logo. For those who had not noticed, here are some archived by us …