As with any innovation, the surprise does not last long. In any case the finding, backed by The that Mark Zuckerberg is about Facebook, the social networking star, he co-founded in 2004. “People think we’re trying to be cool. This has never been my goal. I am the least cool is that anyone,” he said during a forum held Wednesday at the Newseum Washington at the invitation of The Atlantic magazine . “We have almost ten years we are no longer a phenomenon Niche . This kind of profile cool, it’s over for us.”
For Mark Zuckerberg fairy maturity? is rather synonymous with growth. Especially the young CEO wants to see the use of social network extend to two-thirds of Earthlings not yet connected to the Internet. As the scandal of the NSA, who recently splashed Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is wanted reassuring.
According to him, the demands of personal data the government are subject to the prior approval of Facebook and would question that 9000 profiles during the first half of 2013: “We examine each request and we reject those that are too large or not based on legal grounds, “assured Mark Zuckerberg. Although the billionaire did not mince his words about the way the case was handled by the U.S. authorities: “Some of their statements were particularly unwelcome: like: Oh, we does not spy on the Americans . “