11:09 PM

Microsoft is quietly recycling Outlook email accounts
Like Yahoo, Microsoft is recycling email accounts, and apparently doing so without mentioning it in service agreements for Hotmail, Live, and Outlook.com. Yahoo recently started recycling unused accounts and was harshly criticized for this policy.
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Rumor: Microsoft offering to drop Windows Phone license fee for HTC
It's hard to see an area at Microsoft that isn't going through some degree of transition, and Windows Phone is definitely no exception. Having carved out a small piece of the market, Microsoft has taken some big steps to improve the position of its …
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Should Microsoft Kill the Surface?
When Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT ) unveiled its latest Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets, it really tried its best to bring an Apple-like flair to the launch event. It's clear that Microsoft is serious about its Surface products. Contrary to the notion …
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Microsoft, Yale Professor Spar Over 'Bing It On' Campaign
When Microsoft launched the "Bing It On" campaign more than a year ago, the company intended to break the "Google habit." But it doesn't seem to have even made a dent in search engine habits. In fact, Google continues to carry 67 percent of explicit …
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Microsoft Reportedly Looking To Put Windows Phone On Android Devices
Microsoft has reached out to HTC to see if the company would be interested in adding Windows as a second OS to its Android handsets, a new report by Bloomberg claims. It isn't clear exactly how the two operating systems would share the handset, in …
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