<- Googleon: index -> The Berlin Green Party wants to expand the model to the capital city for the environmentally conscious and affordable mobility. For this, the Greens want to introduce a mobility card (public transport) allows all road users a quick and inexpensive combination of different modes of transport from bicycles to public transport to car-sharing models. The 29 MEPs adopted this Friday at their summer retreat in the Brandenburg Kremmen unanimously a 15-page mobility concept “Berlin needs the transport revolution.” In Berlin, more than 300,000 people have been affected by health hazard permanent traffic noise, according to the paper.
Berlin offers good conditions for this ecological transport policy, as only one-third of the residents own their own car and public transportation is well developed. The Berlin MEP of the Greens and transportation expert Michael Cramer pointed out that in many areas of the output of the <-! RSPEAK_STOP ->
The Greens want to strengthen the public transport in Berlin.
class=”source”> Image: S-Bahn Berlin GmbH / J. Donath harmful CO2 has been reduced in Europe, but this was increased by 29 percent in the transport sector. Therefore must be countered with an environmentally friendly traffic management.
A key to this is the mobility card for combining different transport services at attractive prices, so the concept. “The travel card works like a virtual ticket for all integrated services, environmental and rail card, bicycles or even discounts on taxi rides.” In addition, the use of car sharing should be included so that application fees accounted for. Should be settled at the end of the month always followed the best deal for the user (Best Price). When switching to environmentally friendly modes of transport, the country Berlin should go ahead with his fleet, do the Greens. The electrically driven underground, commuter trains and trams to run on green electricity CO2-neutral in the short term. In addition, the Greens urge a systematic expansion of bicycle lanes and off the main roads and in the outlying areas. cyclists are above average risk, representing the number of 7376 accidents in 2012 showed an increase of 19 percent compared to previous year, according to the paper. Although the red-! black Senate supposedly promotes bicycle traffic, he wanted to cut the investments in this sector in the next budget by 30 percent, criticized the Greens. On clearly signposted mobility points near public transport nodes more bicycle parking and bicycle rental are to be offered, combined with charging stations for e-bikes and e-cars and offers for car sharing. Another point is intermodular directions. In real time, they are all road users provide information about traffic jams, accidents, train delays are available, enabling the selection of the fastest and cheapest means of transport. On the outskirts of call buses and shared taxis to better connect the residents to the ÖNVP. These lines should BVG organize and demand for the ÖNVP normal fares.
(AP) <- - RSPEAK_STOP> “ISI_IGNORE”> (mfz)
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