4:01 PM

The Shine by Misfit Wearables holds for sporting activities and can also be brought into the pool.

The Business with activity trackers that can be read by smartphone, is booming. Big names such as Fitbit, Nike, Jawbone or Withings dominate the scene so far. With the shine of Misfit Wearables now comes another product on the market, which is slightly different than the competition. It starts with the look: Instead of plastic here is a flat piece of aluminum built, which looks more like a piece of jewelry

The Shine can also be used not only for running and cycling, but also for swimming – it is. waterproof and will withstand excursions into the sea. The reconciliation is carried out by placing it on a smartphone, what even go in flight mode, the current must be an iPhone. A display font does not have the shine, for a spot display, which can also be used as a clock. The surface of the device is touch sensitive

product: Shine
Manufacturer: Misfit Wearables
price.! $ 100
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