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Ford has corrected after complaints from U.S. motorists over the consumption of the C-Max Hybrid, the consumption data upward. The minivan will be held at 5 liters per 100 kilometers now won just under 5.5 liters. Customers who have already bought the car, Ford sent a check for $ 550 (412 euros)

Ford pays U.S. buyers of the C-Max Hybrid compensation for the wrong fuel consumption figure. enlarge class=”source”> Image: Manufacturer
<- RSPEAK_START -> if it were a voluntary! action, the group said late on Thursday at the headquarters in Dearborn, near Detroit. The number two U.S. automaker after General Motors has a reputation to lose: Ford advertises its cars as a particularly economical and relies heavily on alternative drives. Last year, the South Korean manufacturer Hyundai and Kia had apologized for consumption at 900,000 cars and offered compensation.

According to the U.S. EPA the wrong consumption data at Ford is also due to testing regulations, which are date from the late 1970s. Accordingly, the consumption data of another model has been adopted with the same drive and weight for the C-Max Hybrid. “But these new vehicles are more sensitive to small changes in design than conventional cars,” said the EPA. (AP)



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