Samsung Electronics launched Wednesday, October 9 the first smartphone with a curved screen in what appears to be a show of strength of the Korean giant and a first step towards devices with flexible screens or unbreakable.
screen 5 , 7-inch Galaxy Round is slightly curved on the horizontal axis and is lighter than the Galaxy Note 3, which provides a better grip than flat-screen smartphones according to a statement from the South Korean mobile operator SK .
The device, marketed by SK Mobile, will be sold 1.089 million won (1,000 dollars or 805 euros).
Faced with slower growth market top smartphones range, manufacturers rely on innovation to stand out and curved screens appear as their new workhorse.
step towards flexible devices
and Samsung seems to have damned the pawn LG Electronics, which plans to present its curved model -. but on the vertical axis, in November
“This is a step forward devices flexible and possibly unbreakable. But for now, this new phone is quite symbolic, “said an analyst at Hana Daetoo Securities, Nam Dae-jong, adding that Samsung had not been able to mass produce this smartphone.
With the Galaxy Round, the issue is primarily for Samsung whet the appetite of consumers for curved screens.
Its main novelty is the tilt function which allows Displays information – such as missed calls and the level of battery charge – without unlocking the phone
“I do not think it will be compelling enough for gadget lovers because (.. ..) there are not enough new features specially adapted to the curved screen, “said analyst Hana Daetoo Securities.
(With AFP)