September 20, 2013 – Angry Birds Star Wars II , which was announced last July, contains more than 30 playable characters including Star Wars Yoda Jango Fett. For the first time in a game Angry Bird you can choose to play for the camp birds or pigs (“Join Pig side of the Force”). Pigs repeat the bad Star Wars characters like Darth Maul, Darth Vader and General Grievous.
Finally, Rovio has signed a contract with the manufacturer Hasbro figures TELEPODS. You can keep fgurines before the camera of your smartphone or tablet to the scanner, and then play it directly with the character in the gameAngry Birds Star Wars II Available on the iTunes App Store for € 0.89 (from iOS 4.3) and € 0.93 on the Google store (from Android 2.3).
Angry Birds Star Wars II