2:30 PM

Google Wave-Like Word Processing App Quip Gets Better-Equipped
The relatively new iOS word processing app Quip has just received its first major update. Released just a couple of weeks ago, Quip has been likened to the now defunct Google Wave. Well, the comparison is certainly not inaccurate, as Quip is also …
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Google Maps gets Wave traffic incident reporting integration, Waze getting
wazegooglemaps Waze, the social maps app on Android and iOS, was bought by Google a while ago, and now the integration is beginning. Google has announced that Google Maps will be including Waze traffic incident reports. This isn't available in all …
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Self-Driving Car Technology To Hit Canada 'Like A Tidal Wave': Transportation
Technology company Google Inc. has said its fleet of a dozen computer-controlled vehicles — mostly Toyota Priuses equipped with self-driving technology — has logged almost 483,000 kilometres without an accident. Last year, Nevada became the first U.S …
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Microsoft joins Google in US surveillance suit
Technology giants Google and Microsoft have teamed up for a legal battle seeking clarity on secret U.S. government requests for Internet user data after failed negotiations with the Obama administration. The two companies filed suits in a federal court …
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Self-driving cars could be on Canada's roads in 4 years: expert
"This technology is going to hit us a bit like a tidal wave. And if we're ready, great. And if we're not, tough. It's coming anyway." Technology company Google Inc. has said its fleet of a dozen computer-controlled vehicles — mostly Toyota Priuses …
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Jacob Barnett, boy genius
(The acronym for the program is PSI, after the Greek letter often used to represent wave functions in quantum mechanics.) …. Google Jacob's name and you see a hundred headlines like, "Autistic teenager with IQ higher than Einstein tipped to win Nobel.
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Enblink turns Google TV into a home automation hub
Enblink uses the Z-Wave networking standard, which means it's compatible with a couple hundred third-party sensors and controllers. So why did Enblink choose Google TV, even though other smart TV platforms are arguably a lot more popular? One word: …
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