The state sent a letter to telecom operators asking them to “ensure fairness” of their advertisements on the internet offers, under threat of prosecution, reveals Parisien / ‘hui in France Monday. “In this two-page letter sent Friday night companies in the sector, including our newspaper obtained a copy, the Minister of Communication, BenoĆ®t Hamon, and the Minister of Innovation, Fleur Pellerin,” invite all operators watch with caution redoubled the loyalty of their advertisements, “writes Paris . ” Allegations likely to mislead consumers into error in this area are likely to be qualified in terms of deceptive trade practices, say the ministers, “the newspaper said. The newspaper noted,” follows a thinly veiled threat to the intervention of Fraud Control (DGCCRF) and actions to justice by the end of the year when the group actions are legal. “ ” In a few days, according to the newspaper that at home or on mobile internet connections do not reach the speeds touted in advertisements, a decree of adequate supervision announcements rates in advertisements change the way of presenting the standard offers DSL (broadband at home). “And better, the paper notes,” later than July 1, 2014, operators specify their future customers they offer flow at the entrance to their home. Consumers can compare the proposals. “
» Internet offers misleading: State threatens operators