9:08 AM

Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is 'hilariously' flawed
The Associated Press obtained documents that show the Obama administration and some European governments pressured UN climate scientists to downplay or even omit data that shows the world hasn't warmed in over a decade. "Germany called for the …
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Modi slams Rahul, accuses him of undermining PM's authority
"Today the issue is whether the country will run on the whims of the prince or on the basis of the Constitution," he said, alleging that Congress leaders were "disrespecting" the Indian Constitution, Parliament, democracy and the Cabinet. … We will …
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Faith in revival put to test
The White House, in its fourth major budget standoff with Congress since 2011, has vowed to veto the bill. Congress … The notion that the issuer of the world's main reserve currency might be unable to meet its obligations is simply unthinkable for …
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Mark Levin sounds off on Obama Iran announcement, ultimatum to
Immediately following President Barack Obama's remarks regarding his conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the budget battle underway in Congress, conservative talk show host Mark Levin made an appearance on CNN's "The Lead with Jake …
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Goodbye to romance: Are rom-coms worse than porn?
In his 1973 book called The Denial of Death, cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker explains why we developed this modern notion of romance — why we imagine that finding that special someone will magically make everything right in the world. In short …
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