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“The quickest way through the area” is soon to be completed on the saddle – at least advertises the regional association for a new Radautobahn cross through the region. The track should set standards for nationwide mobility on two wheels, says Martin Tönnes, deputy regional director of the association. To 85 kilometers of the planned Radschnellweg connecting the cities of Duisburg and between Hamm and lure motorists from the gridlocked streets of the cities of the Ruhr. This provides at least a first concept car, which drew up the regional association. The plans are to be concretized in early 2014, a feasibility study funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and knocked on the costs and benefits
The Radschnellweg should appeal not only to recreational cyclists … class=”source”> Image: ADFC / S.Wieland <- RSPEAK_START -> Already! there are in the area, a dense network of around 700 kilometers bike path – but the Radschnellweg depends less on the recreational cyclist who wants to spend a day in the countryside. A well-developed, low-gradient as Schnellweg about old railway lines aimed at the everyday traffic. In the Ruhr area daily commute namely 1.1 million people between home and work – most of them from neighboring city to neighboring city, says the RVR concept
The State Department of Transportation shows the project is open-minded.. Urban bike paths are important component of an action plan, with the red-green government wants to promote the use of bicycles. The Radschnellweg watch would be the first project for others to follow. Currently, a national competition for more Radschnellwegprojekte runs in the country
Less traffic congestion by attractive direct routes for cyclists -. In bike crazy neighbor go on the concept says Bart Christiaens, expert and consultant for “Snelfietsrouten” in a planning office in the Netherlands. Quick cycling worthwhile, he says. By 2025, the Dutch want to expand their network of nearly 10 more shorter connections to 675 km, where the government says yes to the 700 million euro investment.
This would have been 1 percent of the kilometers traveled by car to the wheel to be laid. Small proportion, big impact, says Christiaens: At 1.9 billion… but also to encourage people to travel by bike to work.
The Regional Association is already convinced of the power of the beam according to RVR estimates 110 million euro expensive mammoth project. First cycle track sections between Mülheim and Essen, which are already funded, could be expanded to Radschnellweg later – as wide as possible lit, maybe with charging stations for electric bikes. “In the first sections we may already be in Mülheim main station next year, two years later in Duisburg on the Rhine,” says Tönnes. To the east there is even less clarity on the exact routing. But Tönnes is optimistic: “I would love to invite all the people together in 2020 to drive the 85 km”. (AP)
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