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On the same topic

operator Bouygues Telecom has revealed Monday, Aug. 26 on its website rates that apply to its 4G mobile deals, nearly a month before the big rollout that will allow him to cover a sudden a hundred cities.

For internet speed of 3 GB per month Prices start at € 29.99 for a single sim offer, ie no phone subsidized and without commitment, and 34.99 euros for an offer with phone and a commitment of 24 months.

A second package to use 8 GB of internet data, currently one of the most generous offers on the market, will be charged 39.99 euros for a single sim offer and 49.99 euros for an offer with phone.

Bouygues Telecom obtained the ARCEP to use his band of 1800 Megahertz frequency to channel the mobile fourth generation (4G) instead of 2G (voice only), from October 1st.

25 million of French cutlery October 1

At this time, the operator says it will cover a much more 100 cities, 25 million French (40% of the population).

Bouygues Telecom has also begun to deploy antennas in frequencies 2.6 GHz and 800 MHz, won at auctions like other operators.

Rival Orange, which plans to cover 30% of the French population by the end of the year, decided to charge its customers a 4G additional euro until the end of 2013 and then adjust its rates.

On the other hand, SFR, which has announced plans to cover 55 cities by the end of 2013, offers two packages including access to 4G in its offerings square: the one to two gigabytes to 39.99 euros per month with phone and subscription and 29.99 sim only, the other four gigabytes for EUR 59.99 per month with phone or 45.99 euros without subscription <. / p> 4G allows for with a compatible mobile subscription and ad hoc, a rate at least equivalent to that currently delivered by a fixed line high speed internet (fiber).

This is a major challenge for operators who hope that these value-added offerings offset the decline in general price that the market has seen since the arrival of Free Mobile.

(With AFP)