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traffic authorities may in principle be held liable for any damage due to potholes on the car. However, as soon as they put up a sign that warns of the dangers of road damage, motorists have no more claims in case of damage. According to the Association Traffic Law the German Bar Association, municipalities, however, must then be liable if potholes drivers unexpectedly get in the way -., For example, on brand new routes

The ADAC advises motorists who speed generally adapt to the road conditions. Was not warned of potholes, recommends ADAC traffic law expert Markus Schäpe, damage to the vehicle and <-! RSPEAK_STOP ->
 Enlarge class=”source”> Image: ADAC
<- RSPEAK_START -> the accident site by photo documented. “If I want to make some claims that I need to document this.” In this way, the operator can prove that the authorities have violated their duty to maintain safety under certain circumstances. Signs of damage caused by a pothole may be a wrong standing or a warped wheel track. Even when the landing gear makes noise while driving, possibly a road damage is the cause. Noises may indicate damaged or worn out steering coupling rods stock.

According to a survey presented on Friday the ADAC require 86 percent of drivers in Germany that more money be invested in roads. Just under a third (28 per cent) of over 2000 respondents representative but are sure to be used as the revenue of a toll for cars. The ADAC estimates that nearly 20 percent of the highway network is in need of modernization condition. For highways, the share of around 40 percent is twice as high. (AP)


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