we announced a low cost iPhone, it is not. We were told a revolution, alas, it will not this time! The launch of the iPhone 5c he would signal the decline or a simple driving mistake of Apple’s marketing? Steve Jobs, visionary avant-garde and unconventional especially, would probably never released this product. Or not under these conditions. The touch of color is not long hide the limits of the iPhone 5c and soon reveal its marketing gaps and at least two reasons for the likely failure of this strategy. ! Decryption
The two likely reasons for the failure of this strategy
– The innovation strategy and launch
From its creation, Steve Jobs wanted to anchor the “revolution” in the DNA of the brand. His goal was to reinvent the rules and challenge the status quo. Thus, Jobs said during one of his famous lectures: “In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in a different way of thinking way we challenge the status quo.. is to make our products beautifully designated easy to use and user friendly. ” Now, with the launch of the iPhone 5c, the Apple brand is stepping on the toes of Nokia and its Lumia 920, with a product considered by many as a pale copy. The reaction of the Finnish giant did not expect: a mocking tweet capsized the Web “Imitation is the best form of flattery”
The strategy to overthrow the status quo was correlated with that. that made Steve Jobs first thought to improve the user experience before thinking technology. Thus emerged the most beautiful of all Apple innovations. His wish: to anticipate the needs of consumers, to create envy, and do not try to answer, because, according to Jobs, “most of the time, people do not know what they want until you montriez theirs. ” However, Apple, iPhone 5c forgotten his strengths to try to fill a weakness relative to compete. The objective in the short term, is certainly to increase sales, which will be at the expense of brand values. Need I remind you that the short term, as flourishing as it is, can kill the brand in the long term, if the DNA it is abused or misrepresented
added that the launch of two iPhone at the same time immediately develops a comparison between the models, which will always result in the product down (in value and price). However, Apple has its historical strength in marketing unparalleled product (both with competition within families of products group). The comparison that is sure to make the consumer will eventually convince him that either he does not believe some essential innovations, and therefore select a “medium” or it does not afford the best iPhone and he will live with disappointment and social frustration when he will make use of to his friends.
In both cases, it will make him unhappy or unwilling to join the loyal customers of the brand. A customer without preference and without identity. A one-time customer? Indeed, who has never heard someone compare a PC to a Mac? Presumably the feeling of pride and belonging to a social status (such arrogance if you’re on the PC side) that has managed to create Apple since its launch will be completely erased with the low cost iPhone. Do not you take the risk of destroying the foundations of the tribe of Apple worshipers– The price
For 599 euros you will have a shell colored plastic and features a pretty decent model, but already surpassed by the iPhone 5s. This is a summary of what we offer you to buy. But let us ask ourselves this crucial question: for what reason the customer buy it iPhone 5c while not allow him to be on top of technology? The only answer seems to be for the price. We do not find other
Now, with announced 599 euros for the 16GB version (200 euros more than its direct competitor, Nokia) price it is far from a low cost product (which may be possible to capture a new customer, less favored).
So, is this really a strategy based on price
Apple, it seems, developed this iPhone 5c for the Chinese market. The fear of a huge but elusive market their escape would she led Apple executives on a bad road? For now, there is more “rich” in China (number) in Europe. Therefore, there is no reason not to know the same success in keeping prices “off the market price,” as Apple has always been able to do. Unless we think in market share. Unless you want to be a leader in volumes, which, from an economic point of view in the medium term, no interest. Indeed, how to renew the offer and how to retain customers “low cost” when is a premium brand since its birth
Jobs, he had never “targeted” income levels but only behavior. All emotions afforded owning an iPhone flew in to suggest a cheap or cheaper product. If price is the only trade and brand marketing argument is that his strategy has failed – or will fail – eventually. Indeed, there will always be a competitor for the same product – or almost – much cheaper, which will derail this ephemeral strategy. Apple, customers have so far never bought a price. They bought a universe, a different way of thinking, a way of life and social status. That price falsely low cost will not attract people who could not buy iPhone and cool the Apple faithful who prefer it probably iPhone 5s to be more “in”.
With this launch, endangers Tim Cook Apple’s history. The Apple brand has lurched taking short cuts (including under the leadership of Steve Jobs), but it has always been able to recover. Tim Cook will he the same talent? Response in the coming months.