1:28 AM
On the same topic

According to the latest data collected by Eurostat, the share of EU citizens who reported never using the Internet increased from 39% in 2006 to 22% in 2012. But this average hides significant disparities in fact. With one hand, the states, where excluded from the canvas are an ultra-minority whose numbers can not be much reduced and those where the share of disconnected must be taken into account by the marketing departments of large brands and Of course, by the government.

The first camp together logically richer than the average states. Individuals who say they never use the Internet make up 6% of the population in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark, a country connected long: in 2006, only 1 out of 10 Danes did not know the web! Swedes and Finns are at comparable levels (5 and 7%). Followed by the UK (10%) followed by Germany, Belgium and France (15%).

As for the countries where the internet is far from reaching the entire population, Obviously the two poorest states of the Union are: Romania (48%) and Bulgaria (42%) but also the fourth economic power in Europe, Italy, 37% of people say they never use the Internet . To find a level of disconnected as important in France, we must go back to 2007!