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The downward trend in the number of road deaths by holding the positive development in 2012 and in the first six months of 2013. According to preliminary results of the Federal Statistical Office () were 1454 people from January to June 2013 German roads killed. These were 239 people or 14.1% less than the same period last year. The number of people injured in road accidents decreased in the first half of 2013 compared to the previous year by 8.8% to about 167 700 According to the already present detailed data from the first five months of 2013 falls especially the high decrease in the number of killed drivers and passengers on motorcycles compared to January-May 2012 (- 24.9%). In the previous year the number had fallen sharply
The number of accidents declined in the first half of 2013. class=”source”> Image: ADAC <- RSPEAK_START -> Overall, the police took until the end of June of this year, about 1.15 million accidents, 1.5% less than in the first half of 2012. While the number of injury accidents by 9.4% significantly decreased to 129,900, there were in accidents with only material damage only a slight decrease (- 0.4% to 1.02 million)
. With the death toll road development within the provinces was different: in twelve provinces goods from Januar until June 2013 fewer deaths to mourn over the previous year. Was particularly strong decrease in Lower Saxony to 64 people or 27.8%. In three countries, however, more people died in traffic accidents: these, most prominently Saxony-Anhalt with 9 deaths more than in the same period last year. Per million inhabitants came in the first half of 2013 in Germany an average of 18 road users killed. Crashing the greatest risk in road traffic fatal, the states of Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg had per million inhabitants with 30 fatalities.
In June 2013, the police recorded in Germany around 203,300 road traffic accidents, almost the same number as in the previous month. The number of accidents with only material damage went up by 0.7% to around 173,600 returned, the number of accidents involving personal injury, however, rose by 4.3% to 29,600 in. Has also increased the number of casualties, rising by 5.1% to 167,700. Contrary to this development, there were fortunately also mortally wounded in June 2013 less than last year: their number decreased by 7.2% to 310 (AP) <- - RSPEAK_STOP> “ISI_IGNORE”> (mfz)