August 29, 2013 – The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 yo ur Kids is equipped with educational software and special security features. Several applications for children are preinstalled, and you will find more educational or entertainment applications on the new Kid’s Store. By the Applications Manager, parents can select the applications to which children have access.
In addition, it has a Time Manager allows you to set the time of use. When the time has elapsed, the tablet back to the lock screen that can only be opened with a password. In addition, the case is user friendly for children with a convenient handle and a variety of positions available. This case comes with an easy to hold stylus, and very convenient to draw. Finally, the Galaxy Tab 3 Kids running Android 4.1 and includes Bluetooth 4.0, a 0.3 megapixel camera and another 3 megapixels. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids coming in the fall Europe. Its price is not yet known. Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids