11:02 AM

Underwater robots search for World War II's missing dead
Underwater robots search for World War II's missing dead. By Amar Toor on August 17, 2013 12:36 pm @amartoo 1Comments. Don't miss stories Follow The Verge. Follow. b-24 wwii bomber (wikimedia). There are dead American soldiers at the bottom of the …
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Open-source project Pixy aims to give vision to hobbyists' robots
An open-source project aims to give a rudimentary eye to robots with the help of a camera that can detect, identify and track the movement of specific objects. The Pixy camera sensor board, being developed by Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon University …
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Open-source project aims to give vision to hobbyists' robots
IDG News Service – An open-source project aims to give a rudimentary eye to robots with the help of a camera that can detect, identify and track the movement of specific objects. The Pixy camera sensor board, being developed by Charmed Labs and …
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Ask CVG Anything: Zombie dinosaur robots
If you were stuck on a desert island that was infested with zombie-dinosaur-nazi-robots with laser guns and you could pick any three computer game characters to be in your party, who would you pick and why? – Andrew McGonigle. Chris – First I'd choose …
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AOL's New Video Audience May Consist Largely of Robots
AOL's (AOL) purchase of video-advertising company Adap.tv for $ 405 million last week may come with a serious problem—that no one sees many ads purchased through the company's exchange. According to a report on Thursday in AdWeek, multiple …
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