10:09 AM

<- Googleon: index ->

Japanese automakers are now at the service of consumers better than German brands. An online survey conducted by the ADAC showed that the three brands, with their service customers are the most satisfied, come from Japan. At the top is Honda, Toyota ranked second, third place Mitsubishi. It was only in fourth place with BMW follows a domestic brand – last year it was ranked second. Mercedes reached number six and thus increases a place on. Audi loses two places and is now tenth. The Japanese laid winners from the previous year to partially clear: Leaders 2012 Honda was still in eleventh place, second place, Toyota, ranked fifth, Mitsubishi fourth place. Bottom in the service ranking is according to the ADAC, as last year Chevrolet.

The ADAC also asked about general satisfaction with a car brand. In this category, BMW is the first place as the previous year, unchanged in second place is Audi. In third place, the carmaker Honda, the 2012 still ranked eighth follows. Rear in the brand evaluation as early as 2012 Fiat. The ADAC surveyed more than 20,000 car owners online about their experiences with the manufacturers


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