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revealing its smartwatch on September 4 at the IFA in Berlin, Samsung intends to take short his main rival Apple also awaited on the Field watches connected since the first rumors about the iWatch dating back to 2011.

After the smartphone and tablet, this new accessory (or gadget?) could be the new golf game of high-tech giants. According to Juniper Research, the market for smart watches should take off thanks to the MFP. The British firm provides around 36 million smart watches sold per year by 2018, against only 1 million in 2013. Sony, the precursor of this evolving market, the forecasts are more ambitious. The Japanese giant expects sales of 41 million by 2016 smart watches. The Bloomberg would assess the market for $ 6 billion just for the firm at the apple. This probably explains why nearly 100 designers working on the project in Cupertino ….

A new gadget

But a smart watch c ‘ is it exactly? Here is the new object which the manufacturers hope that consumers will not want to happen. The touch screen wrist makes calling, surfing the internet, monitor mails, its notifications on Facebook or Twitter, listen to music, and everything via Bluetooth and / or NFC … These are applications that are strangely similar to those already offered by smartphones and tablets, say critics. Nothing new, then. If it is only the smart watch, need to search his mobile in his pocket, his tablet in his bag. Just take a look at his wrist and voila. And these multi-function watches also see it as the perfect tool for sports, offering applications activity control, health monitoring, mapping paths running or cycling … What make the object trend.

In the first drawing, Samsung intends to gain an advantage over his main rival. After the smartphone market, it intends to monopolize the watches connected with its Galaxy Gear. And expect a “double Kisscool effect.” It will actually have a smartphone or tablet brand to use his watch by GigaOM. Enough to kill two birds with one stone. But what also close the door to the owners of rival Android smartphones evolving …

No flexible screen from Samsung

In a paper published today by the Korea Times, Lee Young-hee, the Vice-President Samsung mobile division said that the Galaxy Gear will not flexible screen as suggested some rumors circulating on the internet. “It will enhance and enrich the current mobile experience in different ways.” We will wait for Sept. 4 against to get an idea.

In this field, Sony has also tried to take a step ahead in late June with its SmartWatch 2, both interface and remote control for Android smartphone, sold in September to 199 euros . The Japanese electronics giant is displayed for the moment as the market leader since the 2007 launch of its first Bluetooth watch and counting on the experience to keep hold. He states account for now about 500,000 customers. It offers the other 200 applications available on Google Play. Almost one million applications have already been downloadĂ©es. But with the scheduled arrival of the Korean juggernaut, not sure Sony has trouble to do. For Lee Young-hee, the watch connected “is a new trend in mobile communication. We are convinced that the new Gear will provide a significant boost to the mobile industry.” Given the firepower of Korean, it might hurt. As for Apple, the speculation is rife. If it is announced for September 10 presentation of an iPhone 5S and a low cost iPhone 5C, point to iWatch. According to the Financial Times, he will have to wait until 2014. Enough to leave some time for Samsung to settle comfortably in this market.