1:09 PM

PlayStation 4 GPU Performance Compared To Xbox One: What The Differences
But what exactly do these PlayStation 4, Xbox One hardware comparisons mean in real life? To understand the performance differences we'll first look back at the Xbox 360 and PS3 as an example since they also had a significant GPU performance difference …
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PlayStation 4 Promotion: One Every 15 Minutes At Taco Bell
Chris Brandt, the chief marketing officer at Taco Bell said: "Our fans love gaming and with brands like Sony PlayStation, whose fans enjoy Taco Bell, we can help them Live Más — and play más — through great food and unique experiences." It's quite …
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Year of Playstation Plus discounted to , possibly down to
If you have been looking for a way to get in on the benefits of Playstation Plus, such as free games for the PS3 andPS Vita and online multiplayer for the upcoming PS4,Rakuten.com (formerly Buy.com) may have the offer for you this week. The 12-month …
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Xbox One, Playstation 4 sneak peek at Digital Nationz
Despite being two months away from launch, Kiwis got a chance today to play on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The next generation consoles were on display at Digital Nationz, a new gaming and technology expo. For those who like technology, it was the …
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Taco Bell, Sony Partner for PlayStation 4 Giveaway Blitz
At least one of Taco Bell's biggest marketing pushes of the year won't be for one of its Doritos Locos Tacos — it will be for Sony's Playstation 4, just as the game-console battle heats up. The chain is partnering with Sony Computer Entertainment for …
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