3:57 PM

INTERVIEW – Roussat Olivier, CEO of Bouygues Telecom, launched this week its mobile network of high-speed broadband. He explains his offer and the benefits of 4G.

Olivier Roussat is CEO of Bouygues Telecom, which launched this week its mobile network of high-speed broadband. No price increase, the time to try. And 10 euros more then the first 4G network in France. Explanations.

Do you think consumers are willing to pay more for very high speed on their mobile

Olivier Roussat. This is not as I will express. We opened one st October 1 very special ability, 4G. For the first time, we have technology in the mobile more powerful than the French at home with ADSL. They need to understand, they must be able to test it. For this, customers need access now for the same price to an offer that allows them to see if they have something that is greater than what they had.

But later, prices will increase by 10 euros …

At the beginning of next year, we expect an increase in prices, but we are in a competitive world. Competition in the market and we will adjust our prices to be in the race.

You reacted to the arrival of Free Mobile by lower prices and launching a large plan savings. How to restore margins more comfortable

We just spent twenty months a little complicated. We lost about 20% of our turnover. In an industry with fixed costs, it is very significant! This has not led to a contraction in margins, but also negative. We first had to get the company back in working order so that it consumes less money for its operation. Then we returned to the attack by providing additional things is what we do with 4G.

you going to have a similar strategy and Orange SFR, which rely on 4G services

Not at all. We are a network operator. We have a national coverage of 63% of the population. The first service is to bring 4G to our customers at work or at home. Our operator job is not to provide content, but to provide access to different content.

TF 1 could provide content and support through advertising revenue via myTf 1, for example.

TF 1 is changing its content because of the 4G. The chain is small subjects that will be available on myTf 1. Not only for 4G Bouygues Telecom.

The government is preparing a tax on the gross operating surplus, what do you think?

The telecom industry is very capital intensive. Each year, we need to invest several hundred million euros to build the infrastructure of tomorrow. Bouygues Telecom will invest 700 million euros this year. To enable, you must have a gross operating surplus sufficiently large. At a time when we are told we want to encourage investment in France, it seems surprising that come tax cash that can make investments.

What will the impact for you

From the order of 11 million euros.

In Europe, do you think we should go to a consolidation

What is the gain for a company to be present in several European countries? Vodafone has been a very long time the operator has made large investments in the continent. But when Vodafone is number three in the country, although it is number one on the European scale, that he was never allowed to be number two or number

a. A reconciliation with Numericable is it possible

There are a lot of possible arrangements, I am not psychic.

Interview by Paul and Loubiere Jean-Baptiste Diébold