The Shuttr by Muku Labs allows you to launch photographs of smartphones and tablets via short-range radio.
digital cameras die slowly. The reason more and more people take photos and videos on their smartphones. Their image quality has reached the level of good compact cameras. Only one thing she can not: Record with Remote Control, for example, for group photos or self-portraits. The Shuttr by Muku Labs closes this gap. It is a good remote control in your hand, which is connected to smartphones and tablets from Samsung and Apple via Bluetooth.
After the setup process, it is sufficient to start the Shuttr and press the button, to make a picture. For iOS devices, and Galaxy models (S3, S4, Note 2, Note 10.1) must be selected only the default camera application before. More Android phones can be connected via a free camera app from the Google Play Store. The Shuttr is offered in several colors and with a fresh battery will run for up to two years. It will be shipped directly from Hong Kong product: Shuttr
manufacturer Muku Labs
price.! $ 40 <- AUTHOR DATA MARKER BEGIN -> ( Ben Swan ) / <- RSPEAK_STOP -> (bsc)
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