6:26 AM

TriaGnoSys The research firm has developed a communication system that could be installed in the event of a disaster within a short time – from the air.

Nearly everybody knows the problem: wherever people are gathered together, be it at a sporting event, a music festival or a fair, it happens that mobile phone networks are overloaded. Phone calls, SMS or mobile Internet are no longer available. But such situations, it is also used in case of a disaster if destroyed by an earthquake, for example, parts of the existing infrastructure.

The fast recovery of a base network would be very valuable in such a situation. Alvaro Valcarce, scientists at the German research company TriaGnoSys working on new wireless solutions, has developed a technique that could be used for this purpose: a cellular network, the base stations are transported with the help of kite-like balloons into the air. The so-called Helikites can nevertheless carry up to 10 kilograms and remain for several days at a height of 4000 meters, when the weather cooperates.

Valcarce shows in a study entitled “Air-based base stations for emergency and temporary applications” that the system is ready for use in no time. The cover would be thanks to the use of multiple balloons that are tethered with terrestrial antennas and satellite technology, comparatively wide.

In addition to emergency situations in which assistants could use the technique to dovetail with each other, TriaGnoSys want the system also used for events such as the Olympic Games. One of the main problems was beginning to coordinate the flying equipment with existing terrestrial networks, says Valcarce. Afford the Helikite now.

There are still some problems that are faced with a series production. This includes setting the correct height. This determines both coverage and network capacity and latency. . These parameters should be further explored now